Инфа о новых шейдерах с UKTS.
2012 Art Guidelines : New FX Shaders
This document lists out the new FX shaders, and their suggested uses.
This document also describes some of the shaders in more detail, from an artists point of view.
Use this shader to make a glowing object. This shader can be this as a replacement for the old-school light-glow quads.
Texture slot 1 is the standard diffuse channel (which supports TRANS). Slot 2 is the emissive mask. White is fully emissive, and black is non-emissive. This emissive mask can contain any shade of grey to change the intensity of the glow if desired.
Lightglows. Neon Signs, Streetlights
Use this shader on scenery objects that require normal maps, specular maps and ambient occlusion maps.
Ambient occlusion
In basic terms, when creating these assets, think of an ambient occlusion map as a shadow-map. Light areas of the map are unaffected and dark areas of the map represent the shadowy areas (under gutters or in crevices).
Use : this shader on foreground buildings. Group assets that are built specifically for use as a background object should not use this material.
Slot 1 is the diffuse texture
Slot 2 is the normal map (24bit) with specular map (8bit) in the alpha channel
Slot 3 is the Ambient Occlusion map.
Generally, make slot 1 and slot 2 share the same UV channel 1, and the Ambient Occlusion map have a second UV mapping channel 2. This allows for the same flexibility as when using the old shadow-map technique on the old legacy assets.
Trackside Buildings
Use: this shader to create lofted element with a basic specular phong of a fixed size and power.
Track rails.
Use: this shader should only be used as part of the skydome asset.
Skydome stars
Not currently used
Use this shader when decals are required on scenery assets and rail vehicles. Allow for full 32-bit support with alpha blending.
When dealing with primary numbers, remember to give the numbers full 32-bit textures as it now will render smoothly onto the background (not aliased as in RW2).
NOTE : Previously when we had the same fonts on, for example red, blue and yellow geometry, we would have to create three fonts for this. This new shader will limit the amount of extra texture-sets we need, as the same fonts can now be rendered onto any colour background using the alpha.
Dynamic numbering, logos on sides of tenders, Class numbers on coaches.
Use this shader to create cab shadow volumes.
Cab shadow volumes.
Use this when lofts have very thin lateral elements that cause visible sub-pixel flickering.
Lofted catenary wires, lofted telegraph wires, simple lofted wire fence
Use this when scenery assets and rolling stock have very thin lateral elements that cause visible sub-pixel flickering.
Static Telegraph wires, railings on vehicles
Use this shader for lofted elements in tunnels with no transparency (rails).
Track cross-section rails in tunnels
Use this shader for lofted elements in tunnels that require transparency (ballast).
Track cross-section ballast in tunnels
Use this shader to create tunnel walls. The shader allows for normal map and specular support.
Track cross-section walls in tunnel
Use this shader when you require something to stay bright regardless of day/night and you need viewer facing properties.
This is an unlit view facing shader.
● It stays full lit and does not get darker just like the old fashioned TEX
● It supports the TRANS flag
● It supports three options non-viewer, viewerfacing and upright-viewerfacing. One of these can be set via the viewer Facing Options radio button in the Material roll-lout in Max.
A lightbulb hanging under a station canopy. The whole lightbulb and wire cable support can be made as an upright viewer facing sprite, and will remain fully bright at night.
Для того, что бы ваши плагины стали актуальными скопируйте из папки Railworks\dev\Shaders файлы App.fbk и ShaderDesc.txt в папку C:\Users\%User_name%\AppData\Local\Autodesk\3dsmax\2009 - 32bit\enu\plugcfg (У меня 2009 макс, для 2010 также) с заменой.