Вот такой зверь появился на просторах.
Подхватывает карты сценарии и ПС с МСТС.
Stable Release
- sorry we don't have a stable release yet.
Development Release
- Here's the current build with bugs and warts included - provided as is, without warranty and at your own risk
- be sure to check out the readme file - things will change from version to version.
- ORTS - Current Build - Sorry, we've Temporarily Disabled Downloads -
- you must have DirectX 9 installed ( note - I think it will work with higher versions, but I'm not sure )
- you must have MSTS installed
Open Rails is not an improvement to MSTS, but a complete new game platform that can read MSTS routes, activities, consists, and train sets. It currently uses the MSTS entries in the Windows registry to locate where your MSTS files are on your computer to read them into the Open Rails game engine.
You do not need MSTS Bin, nor are any of the executables from the MSTS software required.
No. Nor is the Open Rails team attempting to duplicate the efforts that resulted in the BIN patch to MSTS. The Open Rails software is a platform built from the ground up using 100% new code.
Yes. However, Open Rail will have limited capabilities because the program relies on MSTS content for the time being.
Stable Release
- sorry we don't have a stable release yet.
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